Student Education Day
28th February 2025 was a hit, watch the video here.
Drone shot of the event, kindly hosted by Corporate member X-Hemp.
School students from across northern Tassie heard about the importance of hemp to the climate’s future.
The THA was thrilled to welcome over 80 students to the annual Student Education Day recently. The students came in small groups with their teachers to see hemp close up and learn the crucial, widely misunderstood, difference between hemp and marijuana.
An amazing array of hemp products was on display.
Students listened to THA President Andi Lucas give an overview of the myriad applications and benefits of hemp. They rendered images of hemp leaves, entered competitions and answered a quiz, with the best entries taking home prizes for their efforts.
Hemp seeds are the only natural way to get such high levels of Omega 3s and 6’s into your diet without eating fish.
Students enjoyed delicious Burger Junkie creations incorporating high protein hemp. They also were able to take a peek inside Tasmania’s only hemp fibre processing mill, and learn about the hurd which is used in building. Meanwhile they could see the progress of a hempcrete wall being built as Corporate Member The Australian Hemp Masonry Company held a builder training session.
The THA wishes to thank all students and teachers for their cheerful attendance and invites them to save the date for Friday 6th March 2026.