Benefits of Becoming a Member

All THA members - non-voting Supporter, Associate, Corporate, License Holder - receive benefits like free entry to licensed and catered events plus incredible discounts on a range of hemp products and services.

Click the subscribe below to become a non-voting Supporter Member

*maximum of $99 each financial year / currently $41.25 pro-rata


Alternatively, if you are currently involved with OR intending to actively participate in any facet of the hemp industry, we invite you to apply for Associate Membership (max $199 each financial year) or Corporate Membership (max $499 each financial year).

License Holders are also strongly encouraged to join our ranks, with all three of these membership tiers giving you the right to vote in our annual election for our volunteer Executive and Committee positions.

If this is you, please click here to apply and our Executive Officer will respond within 3-business days.

Membership Options