Become a Voting Member

If you are currently involved with or intending to actively participate in any facet of the hemp industry, and would like to make an even bigger impact on the growth of our industry, we invite you complete the form to apply to become a voting member of our state association.

Our Board Members will consider and respond to all applications within 3-business days.

Associate Member - $199 per annum

Associate Members receive free entry to our events, along with access to in-house industry reports and data analysis, along with savings on products and services offered by our Corporate Members, and the right to stand for Board positions and vote in our Annual General Meetings.

Corporate Member - $499 per annum

For business partners who are actively supporting the growth and development of the hemp industry in Tasmania from both inside and outside our sector.

Corporate Members receive free entry to our events, along with access to industry reports, the ability to promote their products and services to our growing networks of eNews subscribers, social media followers and active Members, and the right to stand for Board positions and vote in our Annual General Meetings.

License Holder Member - $199 per annum

A Membership tier reserved ONLY for growers and researchers who hold a current hemp license and who have previously grown a trial commercial crop.

If you are a farmer waiting to grow your first crop; a researcher or a processor who holds a current hemp license; in the process of applying for a hemp license from the Tasmanian Department of Natural Resources & Environment; or interested in any other aspects of the industry, please submit a Supporter, Associate or Corporate Member application. Once you have seed in the ground, you will be automatically transitioned to the Licence Holder Member option.